Lugar/place: Madrid.
(ODIO EL FLEQUILLO, por cierto. No es mi momento para llevarlo. Mierda. Tendré que esperar a que crezca!)
También os pondré el look que llevé para celebrar mi fin de opositora! No creo que haya fotos decentes de esa noche, jajaja, estaba cocidísima, así que pondré las prendas solamente (no sé si ese método tiene algún nombre técnico en el mundo blogger, pero tiene toda la pinta), que me hace ilu enseñároslo!
Muchas gracias por estar ahí, a partir de ahora habrá Lyrica y Onyrica para rato!! (ooohhh, nooooo)
The day before my exam, I went to the hairdresser (it's called "Juan (John), for God's sake!" and I'll make a post about them and their work very soon!) and ask to Paco to fix up as far as possible the hullabaloo that these months of study had been making on my general structure, hahaha. He wants to transform my hair into platinum blonde. I'll think about it, hehe.
(I HATE THE BANGS/FRINGE. It's not my moment of wearing it. Shit. I'll have to let it grow...)
I will post the outfit I wore to celebrate the end of the studying time, as well! I don't think there is any decent picture of that night, hahaha, I was extremely drunk, so I will put only the garments, I'm thrilled to show you!
...and now, it's time to prepare our trip to Japan!:)
Thanks so much for being there! from now on, there will be Lyrica and Onyrica for looong time! (ooohhh, noooooo)
Camisa/shirt: Zara (ss 09-10)
Sudadera con rosas/Jacket with roses: Primark (au-winter 10/11) (sexta foto) (6th picture)
Shorts: Topshop (su-winter 10/11)
Zapatos/Shoes: Jeffrey Campbell Lita Taupe Suede
Collar/Necklace: Adornos con Arte
¿Te gusta el vestido de flecos?, ¿y los shorts de terciopelo? Muy pronto, ambos, nuevos y con etiquetas, en LyricaOnyricaShop.
Like the kimono fringed dress? and the velvet shorts? Very soon avalaible, new with tags, on LyricaOnyricaShop.