sábado, 11 de junio de 2011

Where nothing matters/Donde nada importa

Topshop dress/Vestido Topshop; Japan vintage market shorts (Levi's)/Shorts de Levi's de un mercado vintage de Japón; Topshop tights/Medias Topshop; Gee Wa Wa boots/botas Gee Wa Wa.

En efecto, estaba borracha en estas fotos!! jajajaja. No me importa publicarlas, no me importa enseñaros estos caretos, esa cannnne (carne) flongis flongis, esos momentos de risas impregnadas de jazz y alcohol. Éste es un blog libre, y en esa línea, pretendemos abusar de la autenticidad en la medida de lo posible. Las poses pueden quedar muy bien, son bonitas e ideales, pero no dejan de emitir un halo de artificialidad, un aire a maniquí esclavizado por los prototipos y maquetas que el mundo quiere injertarnos en el cerebro. Las critico constructivamente, eso siempre. Me incluyo en el pack, pero a veces una se asfixia y quiere despojarse de esas cadenas y respirar libertad. De verdad que no las he seleccionado: todas las que hicimos las hemos puesto (bueno, igual no hacía falta esta aclaración, es evidente, no?jajajaja).

Santander está siendo una aventura mágica, donde poco a poco nos vamos metamorfoseando...

Hacía tiempo que no publicaba! se echa de menos, la verdad! llevo muchos blogs retrasados, no tengo tiempo para cotillearos!! pero que sepáis que, aunque no lo parezca, siempre encuentro un momento desde el que espiaros, jijiji.

Bueno, no me enrollo más, que se me va la olla.
Gracias por tener la paciencia de visitarme!


Yes, I was drunk in these pics! hahaha. I don't mind publishing them, don't mind showing you those faces, my flabby flabby flesh, those moments of laughs soaked of jazz and alcohol. This is a free blog, and, as such, we try to take advantage of the authenticity as far as possible. Poses may be pretty, beautiful, but they don't stop irradiating a naturalness halo, a reminding of a mannequin enslaved by the prototypes and archetypes that the world grafts in our brain. I criticize this in a constructive way, I always do. And I include myself in it. But sometimes this is asphyxiating and I need to remove chains and to breathe FREEDOM. We didn't select this time, really, every taken pic is put here (well, maybe this explanation wasn't necessary; it's obvious, isn't it?hahaha).

Santander is being a magic adventure; we're metamorphosing little by little....

It's been long time since the last time I post! I did miss it. I still have many blogs to see and get updated, I don't have time to snoop you!! But let me tell you that I always find a moment in which I can spy you, hihihi.

Well, it's time to stop! Thanks for being so patient and for visiting me!

3 comentarios:

  1. there's nothing wrong with some drunkness sometimes.
    albert einstein said he got drunk once in six months to flush his mind from all the chaos.
    you once commented on my blog and I just found your note, it was about numerology and yes, we should totally do magic together!
    also, you have a great shop, that floral skirt is to die for.

    have a beautiful night,

  2. lusting your hair!! Great blog- following you :)

