Oviedo, 2009.2010.
Gafas / sunglasses: H&M (ss 09-10)
Camiseta / T-shirt: Bershka (old)
Vestido - camiseta / Dress - t-shirt: Rosa Parma's design:
Leggins azules / blue leggins: Bershka (old)
Pink Zebra Panties: H&M (ss 09-10)
Botas / Boots: Mango (old)
A veces sale, simplemente. Se entretejen solas, las telas, y tú sólo pasas a formar parte de su engranaje, casi mecánicamente. Es un escalofrío subcutáneo. Es un hormigueo puntiagudo. Es el sometimiento a algo que se antoja automático, al hábito aprendido, a la costumbre protocolizada: vestirse... ¿o que te vistan?
Sometimes it turns out, simply. They interwave themselves, the fabric, the clothes, and you just pass to be a part of their gear, nearly mechanically. It's a subcutaneos shivering. It's a spiky tingling. It's the submitting to something that feels like automatic, to the learnt habit, to the protocolized custom: to getting dressed... or to being dressed?
Thank you.
Heeyyyyyy I think Jessie Jo is copying you!!! How rad is your hair in these piccies! me love! xx