miércoles, 21 de diciembre de 2011

Giovannízame/Giovannize me

Come on, baby, light my fire....

YEAAAAHHH!!! Noche Giovannizada!! lista para no temer....

YEAAAAHHHH!!! Giovannized night!!! No fear: ready to go all-out again!!

Peinado y maquillaje/Hairdo and make-up: Lucana Giova (lucanagiova.com)

Abrigo pelo/fur jacket: Motel via karmaloop.com (en rebajas! sale!)

Vestido/Dress: Aqua, via asos.com

Pendiente plumas/feather earring: Blanco, au-winter 11/12
Medias/tights: Henry Holland suspender tights (House of Holland) via eBay.com
Zapatos/Heels: Lexi by Topshop.
Clutch plumas/Feather clutch: Zara, au-winter 11/12.
Pulsera estrella de mar/starfish cuff: Blanco au-winter 11/12.
Pulsera ojo de Horus/Horus' eye cuff: Low luv x Erin Wasson via nastygal.com
Anillo/ring: Topshop.   

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